Monday, July 7, 2014

Winning Chess Secrets - Improvisation

The Opening

Every Chess game has an opening. White moves first. You can learn all the Chess openings. Except what happens when you enter Middle Game? At this point, the foundation that you have established leads to many possibilities?

How do you figure out all the possibilities of Chess? Unless you are a computer, humans from time to time make errors. Improvisation is basically the art of turning mistakes into opportunity. You may not win that Chess game this time, however developing your improvisation skills will certainly improve your Chess game.

Winning Chess Secrets - Kaizen

So far we've looked at the importance of taking a break from playing and put focused time into study. Now let's take a look at how you can apply Kaizen to breakthrough!

Whenever you block out distractions and concentrate on seeing a picture of success in your mind of the level you would like to play at in chess or in life, you can then work backwards.

To master anything will take some careful planning and preparation, however along the way I am more concerned about achieving smaller victories that add up into larger breakthroughs.

That's why I LOVE chess because it allows me to think ahead and apply what I am learning to all aspects of my life.

This has made me into an effective person at seeing how all the smaller parts of an objective breakdown to then form a larger outcome.

Becoming a Grand Master may or may not be your goal in Chess, however breaking down your objective into a realistic action plan to implement daily will compound momentum to produce greater victories for you in the long run.

That's why I am emphasizing these important first steps that create the foundation from which you can launch all of your ideas from and have the greatest results and outcomes at whatever you in life. Comprehending this information and applying it will make you better at everything you do!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Winning Chess Secrets - The Importance Of Study

To improve your game, study Chess. 

It is easy to fall into the same pattern in Chess and repeat the same moves.

If you really want to improve, take a break from playing Chess and study.

Studying Chess improves your game play.

On How To Win At Chess, I will provide in future blog posts chess strategy for opening, middle game and Check Mate.

Having played over 10,000 games of Chess, I have made many blunders.

However, what I have learned are the secrets and strategy to improve my game AND I can teach you especially if you have ever felt that you are not capable of learning more.

The reality is if a square peg can't fit into a round hole, don't try to force it. 

Instead, study where you can improve your game by seeing the patterns that you repeat in your chess moves. By not playing and focusing on study, you can see new patterns and combinations.

Then go out and practice and play chess until you feel comfortable at playing at a higher level.

Apply the Japanese art Kai Zen into your chess thinking by making smaller improvements in your game each day which add up to more consistent wins. The same principle also applies at anything else you do at life.

If you want to build a successful business, then the secret to growing a large customers base is to use social media technology to build your network and your email database.

I would love to share more on this...

Stay Tuned for More Great Chess Strategy Tomorrow

Winning Chess Secrets

How To Dominate The Next Level In Your Chess Game

Hi Friends,

I am very excited to write to you on this blog....

The first reason why is that I understand how you can reach the next level in your chess game.

No matter if you are a beginner or intermediate or advanced, you will certainly find the most powerful chess tactics and strategy available.

Our chess strategy secrets look at all three stages of Chess,. 1.) The opening, 2.) Middle Game, and 3.) The End Game - Check Mate.

Unless you have all three stages of Chess down, you may be strong at openings yet your middle game falls apart. You may have a solid opening and play a stronger middle game, however your end game is weak without a solid closing strategy.

The Biggest Problem in Chess

It takes patience, study and practice to reach the Grand Master Level. You can do it if you train your mind to both memorize winning chess moves AND improvisation. Improvisation is the ability to adapt your skill set to your current circumstance while thinking ahead of your opponent and setting them up for Check Mate.

Chess, to me, is a way of life. Not only am I thinking about Chess when I am playing against a live opponent, I also use Chess Strategy in my business and in my life to almost predict success. That is another topic and one that I would really like to share more of.

Stay Tuned Tomorrow for More Great Chess Strategy and Tactics