Sunday, July 6, 2014

Winning Chess Secrets

How To Dominate The Next Level In Your Chess Game

Hi Friends,

I am very excited to write to you on this blog....

The first reason why is that I understand how you can reach the next level in your chess game.

No matter if you are a beginner or intermediate or advanced, you will certainly find the most powerful chess tactics and strategy available.

Our chess strategy secrets look at all three stages of Chess,. 1.) The opening, 2.) Middle Game, and 3.) The End Game - Check Mate.

Unless you have all three stages of Chess down, you may be strong at openings yet your middle game falls apart. You may have a solid opening and play a stronger middle game, however your end game is weak without a solid closing strategy.

The Biggest Problem in Chess

It takes patience, study and practice to reach the Grand Master Level. You can do it if you train your mind to both memorize winning chess moves AND improvisation. Improvisation is the ability to adapt your skill set to your current circumstance while thinking ahead of your opponent and setting them up for Check Mate.

Chess, to me, is a way of life. Not only am I thinking about Chess when I am playing against a live opponent, I also use Chess Strategy in my business and in my life to almost predict success. That is another topic and one that I would really like to share more of.

Stay Tuned Tomorrow for More Great Chess Strategy and Tactics

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